Ever heard of a nematode? You might be more familiar with their colloquial name, which is roundworm. For the purposes of this post, we’ll refer t
Read MoreIf you think of caterpillars, your thoughts might quickly shift to butterflies. And generally, we all like butterflies! They’re pretty, they’re p
Read MoreBrought to you by ARBICO Organics If you are in certain parts of the US, I don’t have to tell you about the Brood X (Magicicada cassinii) cica
Read MoreThere are a number of insect and/or mite pests that may attack greenhouse-grown tomatoes including the tomato russet mite (Aculops lycopersicii).
Read MoreDine, play, and enjoy your outdoor spaces more than ever this year by managing annoying and disease-spreading mosquitoes. Use a multifaceted approach
Read MoreBrought to you by ARBICO Organics If you see drifting bits of white fuzz in your garden, you might not pay much attention to them, or you migh
Read MoreHomegrown fresh vegetables not only taste better; they are more nutritious. Plus, you can control what products are applied to the plants to control
Read MoreGrubs are the larva of various types of beetles and chafers, such as the Japanese beetle or European chafer. You’re likely concerned about them b
Read MoreIt is becoming more and more popular to use natural insecticides, for home gardeners and commercial greenhouse gardeners alike. Botanical insecticide
Read MoreAre you worried about pests in your garden? Are you even more worried about constantly needing to spray harsh pesticides on your plants to contro
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