Growlite’s plant-safe, soft green (patent pending) LED products provide safety, compliance, and zero light interruption during dark cycles. The highly popular soft green LED product line is designed to provide plant-safe green egress and task lighting for horticulture applications. The GLE-S Green Exit Series provides plant-safe Soft Green egress lighting for horticultural applications. The plant-safe, green LED light provides a safe means of egress while not adversely affecting plant growth during dark cycles. The GLE-S is the industry’s brightest, most visible sign in both normal and smoke-filled environments. The GLE-GL is a purpose-built LED luminaire designed for safely lighting the dark cycle when growing short-day plants. Growlite’s plant-safe soft green LEDs cannot be easily “seen” by plants, allowing for critical tasks to be performed in the grow rooms during the dark cycle without the light adversely affecting the plant’s growth stage.
For more information visit Growlite Soft Green LED.
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