Phosphorus (P) is an essential major plant nutrient element, although among the other major elements, nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca),
Read MoreWe live in an area where Paper Birch trees grow, in fact the neighboring yard has one of the most beautiful specimens that I have ever seen. It i
Read MoreAt the heart of any job in a greenhouse or around the garden is a quality set of tools. These are some simple steps any gardener or grower can do
Read MoreFutur Vert's FloraQueen 680W High Performance LED Grow Light is ideal for all stages of plant growth including propagation, vegetation, and flowe
Read More“I wish I had more space for plants,” is a complaint I hear from friends who live in apartments. Their gardening seems limited to windowsills, bu
Read MoreMokara orchids are inter-generic hybrids of arachnis X ascocentrum X vanda which have many colors compared to other orchids, including purple, pi
Read MoreThis relatively new approach to plant disease control is really a 'rediscovered' approach known as biofungicide. This is a method of attacking pl
Read MoreIt's National Rose Month, and with good reason. Roses everywhere are blooming now, and rosarians are gathering flowers for the table, blooms for
Read MoreContainer-grown plants can be an addition to an already flourishing landscape or a garden all by themselves. By growing plants in pots, buckets,
Read MoreAn old saying says “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”; and, when it comes to greenhouse a pest problem, that is certainly true. Th
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