As a natural result of importing more than we export the United States takes in far more shipping containers than we fill. The imbalance leaves o
Read MoreIn chemistry, the pH (potential hydrogen) scale is used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions. The pH scale is used in horticulture to de
Read MoreI have found orchids to be an addicting plant. An orchid grower is one of the most passionate and dedicated of all plant growers. After you see a
Read MoreWhen the cold winter wind howls outside and our gardens are fast asleep, gardeners may still crave crisp, fresh greens. You can satisfy those cra
Read MoreFertilizers are a key part of the growing process. Plants need nutrients, and the nutrients you provide impact everything from bloom density to total
Read MoreIn addition to daily maintenance there are also several important maintenance tasks that need to be completed every 2 weeks or so. But first let
Read MoreRoot propagation is a time-tested and simple technique to clone plants. In its most rudimentary form, root propagation can occur with a plant cutting
Read MoreA trellis is simply a device that allows plant vines to grow vertically instead of growing along the ground. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy
Read MoreGrooming orchids is lot like grooming kids. It's not only for appearance sake; they also need it to stay healthy. In fact, a well groomed orchid
Read MoreGold Leaf US Distributors, LLC is now the exclusive distributor for Gold Leaf single step liquid fertilizer in the United States. Gold Leaf is a
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