Don’t you just hate to see winter on its way? The end of the rose season is always a sad time. It’s amazing though, how we adjust to our climates. Th
Read MoreStarting a new cannabis strain is a demanding task. You can do all the research in the world, but you never know exactly what you’re going to end
Read MoreMany people don’t realize this but field mice and other rodents will actually eat your plants and kill them. Sometimes the damage they do is so
Read MoreIf you want to grow blueberries in your own backyard, there are a few things you'll need to know. There are three basic types of cultivated bl
Read MoreCold weather edibles are proof that delicious gardening doesn't have to end when the mercury plummets. With the help of just a cold frame or gree
Read MoreFicus benjamina is a beautiful plant that is commonly grown indoors as a houseplant. A well-kept Ficus can add dramatic interest to an otherwise
Read MoreFor rosarians in climates where winters are cold, October can be the saddest month. Chances are, you’ve already had the first frost and for the m
Read MoreUbiquitous in seasonal still life scenes featuring black cats and witch hats, pumpkins are useful for much more than jack o' lanterns. Pumpkins h
Read MoreMany greenhouse growers have turned to hydroponic gardening to increase both yield and quality of their veggies or ornamentals. Most of the essen
Read MoreLet’s consider what happens when plants are grown under generated light. As a graduate student, and then as a young Assistant Professor beginning
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