There is frequent debate on rather a PVC greenhouse is a better choice for a garden than a wood greenhouse. Both greenhouse types have their own unique benefits, but in most cases a wood greenhouse will provide the most benefits to users.

Wood Greenhouses
The first step when it comes to building a wood greenhouse is to research the different types and styles available and then choose the one that best suits your growing needs and budget. This includes everything from the type of wood that will be used and the best way to secure the joints of the unit. A quick Internet search will reveal multiple wood greenhouse plans that will allow you to build a quality structure with the proper amenities including lighting and temperature control.
Greenhouses made from wood are more durable and can withstand the elements of a harsh climate far better than PVC greenhouses. They also offer more design flexibility and can more easily incorporate important accessories like lighting and temperature control. The primary disadvantage of a wood greenhouse is that they require more maintenance than a PVC greenhouse. The maintenance will include treating and painting the wood regularly and other potential repairs. Additionally, in areas of high moisture wood greenhouses may start to warp and eventually begin to rot.

PVC Greenhouses
PVC greenhouses are less expensive and easier to construct than wood greenhouses. They also offer far more flexibility and can be moved more easily if needed.
Extreme cold can damage PVC greenhouses so if you live in an area that experiences heavy snow and hard freezes, they may not be the best choice. They can also be plagued with algae growth, which can spread quickly and be difficult to eliminate. PVC can also trap moisture which over time can lead to structural concerns.
Rather you choose a PVC or a wood greenhouse, pay attention to the placement of it in your growing area. It will have an impact of the effectiveness of the greenhouse.
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